Competitor Analysis – Competitive Market Research

Every business will have its share of competition, albeit with its own competitive advantage. Most businesses are aware of their competition but fail to understand the core of their competition and analyze it to take the competition head-on. This is when a professional competitor analysis becomes relevant and helpful. Your business may be just a few months old or has got its feet wet over several years. A well-thought-out competitor analysis has long-term gains and will act as a strong tool to…

Singapore’s Leading Market Research Survey Companies

Discussion about top market research survey companies in Singapore

Top 10 Market Research Survey Companies In Singapore When you are looking for the top market research survey companies in Singapore, your primary focus should be on the following factors: An agile and quick workforce that focuses on the core competency of the services provided. Additionally, they should use only trusted partners for help with areas not covered by their core competency. They can quickly embrace new technologies and adapt to potential changes, as is the norm at Apeiron Market…

5 Tips For Strong Market Expansion Strategy

To stop your business from attaining a saturation point, it is important to make sure you have a strong market expansion strategy to move your business forward. A market expansion strategy is all about knowing the needs of your consumers, segments, and unmet customers to device a targeting plan. Any company may decide to expand, either looking for new market niches in existing countries or seeking new markets for market segments already identified and addressed. Even if the expansion strategy…

5 Reasons Why Market Research Matters

Driving Business Success in Singapore: Why Market Research Matters – 5 Key Insights Market research is crucial for a business of any industry. According to Dan Zarrella “marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed.” Comprehensive market research can provide insights on the market conditions and can give actionable insights on industries and markets. Here are 5 reasons why market research should matter for your business success. Understanding Your Target Market Market research gauges the pulse of the…

How To Conduct A Market Analysis For Your Small Business

Market Analysis For Your Small Business

No two businesses are the same, a successful strategy planned for a business may not work out for another business. This is because every business is unique and needs a focused market analysis to arrive at a suitable plan. The research service has to be customized based on the individual needs of a business, for which, you can consult market research survey companies in Singapore. Big business houses will have dedicated teams to carry out market research which conducts focused…

Importance of Conducting Market Research in Singapore

Importance of Conducting Market Research in Singapore

Importance of Conducting Market Research in Singapore Market research is a critical step that involves collection and analysis of data about the target market, product/service demand, competition and the environment in which the business is setup. These information that are gathered through the research provide valuable insights which are critical for taking strategic business decisions. A report published by Forbes suggested that approximately around 90% of the startups fail within a year from of starting their operation. On doing a…